Monday, August 29, 2011

WDM, IA - Who Doesn't Like Corn on the Cob?

This is the season when corn is not the accompaniment to a meal, it IS the meal. Well, not by itself, fresh green beans, fresh tomatoes and a tall glass of milk are the rest of the meal. Corn on the cob in August is heavenly.

Now, now, don’t tell me that corn is not a vegetable. I know that and I am aware of how un-nutritional corn is: it is probably worse than white rice or white bread in the whosesome scale. It has two main uses: it is made into partially hydrogenated corn oil, and high fructose corn syrup neither of which scores even a .09 on the 1 - 10 nutrition scale. Check the middle aisles of almost any grocery store and one of these two products is on most labels. Corn is difficult to avoid. Not good for you and eating corn as a vegetable will help you gain weight every time. (I understand that a NY Senator presented a bill to make corn the state vegetable of New York, and it passed, even after another Senator pointed out that corn was not a vegetable. Amazing)

But, tell that to me in November or March when fresh corn on the cob is not sold at roadside stands all over Iowa. I don’t want to hear that now. I’ve got my hands over my ears, my eyes are shut and I’m humming, trying to ignore my food sensibilities. But, look, I also ate a large helping of green beans and fresh tomatoes. And, here’s the good part, I don’t put either salt of butter on my corn. Nope, I eat it plain, right off the cob, I love it that much.

On another topic, why do I reread and reread my blogs on the software which I use to write them but I don’t find the spelling errors until I read them online on my blog site? Tell me that one.

Laundry today. We are to the point in retirement that we wear t-shirts almost every day. But, at least I like them to look neat so I put them out to dry when they are still partially damp. I pull them out of the dryer and hang them on some drying racks we have in our guest bedroom. Sometimes we have so many along with other items that we begin to hang our drying clothes on furniture. Yesterday, after washing towels, sheets, t-shirts, shorts and underwear, I have furniture in almost every room covered. Anyone visiting would have thought we were running a haberdashery. At least I had the underwear upstairs, not in the living room. Again, this is not something for which I have pictures. Trust me on this one.

And on the topic of laundry. Who ever thought to put the lint ‘drawer’ on top of the dryer so that, when you pull out this long screen-like catcher, the lint which collects on the bottom of the screen, now falls all over the top of the dryer? Some engineer, who has never done laundry did it, that’s who.

When we were at the fair, we met a nurse who told us that, should we ever find ourselves in a hospital, we should ask every nurse and doctor who comes in our room if they have washed their hands. No kidding. That’s what she said. She said that she did when she was recently in the hospital. Don’t be afraid to insult them - it’s your body. Sounds like good advice to me.

Now, where’s that spelling error? I’m ready to publish..

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