Saturday, August 13, 2011

Madison, WI - Oreo Stacking

Last day of the Rally and we’re ready to go home. It has been a good experience and we’ll attend more in the future but they do keep you active. Lots of people just come for the entertainment and the trade show but Gary and I wanted to make it worthwhile and we’ve been spending most of our days on the seminars. We have take lots of notes, talked with loads of people and will need some time to digest all we’ve learned.

Today I finished up about 12:00 and headed to the lunch room to wait for Gary, who was finishing up the Allison transmission seminar. He’ll need lots of caffeine now. We sat down at a table and, since there were many more people than tables, we invited another couple with their grandchild with them to sit with us.

The guy was a ‘Cat’ guy meaning that he had a Caterpillar motor in his RV and belonged to the ‘Cat’ Club whose motto is: ‘if you aren’t driving a Cat, you’re driving a dog.’ Well, luckily we have a Cat in our motorhome also so he knew he had a rapt, captive audience in Gary. I immediately turned away and engaged the woman and her grandson in conversation. Anything but ‘Cats.’ Gary was so jealous.

Actually, he gave us some good information and Gary will join the Cat Club to get the discounts and information packets they give out. Meanwhile I was asking the grandson what he was doing during the seminars and trade show. They have lots of activities for kids during these Rallies since there are a lot of kids with their parents in RV’s traveling over the summer. He told me that there was a hot Oreo stacking contest this afternoon and he had been practicing all day on it. His grandparents had also bought him some Oreos to practice in the evenings in their RV.

When we finished lunch, we headed to the trade show to see what we could just not do without. There wasn’t much I needed but Gary had some further questions so I walked out early to head back to the RV. And, needless to say, I dropped in on the Oreo contest. The grandson had been eliminated before I got there and he was telling me that they did not use ‘real’ Oreos, which he had been practicing with. These cookies had a flower in the middle and not the word ‘Oreo’ on them. Shucks.


The competition was head to head with only 2 competing at a time. Some of the competitors had a real strategy: they’d build as high as they wanted then checked to see how tall their competition was doing. If their competition’s stack wasn’t as high as theirs, they stopped and waited. Some just built without looking at the competition and they were often the ones who lost, trying to build up their stack without regard to how their competition was doing.


I sat down to watch since it was pretty intense and got some good pictures. In the first picture above you can see a young boy building his stack. He stopped, told the two boys on the other side of the table to not touch his table, then when one of them did and his stack fell, you can see him pleading his case to the judges.

Next you can see a young woman building her stack and then straightening it. It was great fun to watch the this contest.

CompetitionforYoungPeople-8-2011-08-13-19-56.jpg CompetitionforYoungPeople-10-2011-08-13-19-56.jpg

The next contest of the day was the water balloon contest but I had already showered so I left for some shopping. We were out of fruit, milk and a few other things. Walmart was the nearest store and I wanted to make it a quick trip. Interesting Walmart with a parking garage below the store. Because they had a narrow strip of land to build on with no room for a parking lot, they built the parking garage below the store.

That done I headed back to the RV to begin dinner. Meanwhile, Gary had left the trade show and was checking the oil. Wouldn’t you know? We’re low on oil and need to go to Walmart to get some. Yikes, back to Walmart? I didn’t have that great a time the first time there.

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